3 Tactics Narcissists Use To Get You Back 

3 Tactics Narcissists Use To Get You Back 


Today I will be talking about certain tactics Narcissists use to crawl back into your life.

 I’ve said once that Narcissists are like boomerangs, as they always seem to find a way back around to you. Their tentacles are always up and out sensing or looking for an opportunity to swivel their way back into your life. Especially, if you were a good source of supply or if they want to try and hurt you further. Those are usually the two main reasons why a Narcissist usually wants back in.

 Sometimes the Narcissist takes ages to hoover as they are usually preoccupied with what they deem to be better sources of supply. But when they cannot find anyone better or they are lacking in both quantity and quality of supply, you can be sure they will come back knocking. Even if it is to punish you further, they will use the same approaches to slip back into your life.

 After all, the devil is not going to show up with a pitchfork and horns, is he? No! He or she will come as an angel of light-bearing gifts.

Below are the top 3 Tactics Narcissists Use To Get You Back!

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