7 Things Narcissists Don’t Want You to Know

Number 3: They Hate Critics.

As I said, narcissists hate it when people unmask them and expose their mistakes. They don’t want someone to discard them the way they usually do with others. Narcissistic people tend to get hurt easily when people treat them that way. Their weakness is their deep feeling of hatred towards others who are capable of doing things on their own, so they use others to accomplish their goals and always avoid being embarrassed in front of people.

Narcissists can’t handle critique and feedback; they just think they are superior to others. They view other people as beneath them, so how could others have the right to criticize their superiors?

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

Number 4: They Don’t Want You to Realize That You Are Powerful.

Narcissists try very hard to humiliate others so that bystanders will value the narcissist more highly. Narcissists don’t want you to realize that you are more powerful than you ever imagined. Narcissists don’t want others to recognize their own true strength, which might subdue the narcissist’s self-importance.

The question is, how do narcissists do that? They will keep humiliating you, illogically pointing out mistakes you have never actually made. And when you want to discuss the matter, they just avoid the issue and change the subject.

Number 5: The Narcissist Doesn’t Want You to Know Your Talent

The sad truth is, narcissistic people have very low self-esteem. That is why they keep humiliating the people around them, so those people will think they are inferior and never realize they are actually good enough. Narcissists will try to manipulate you into thinking you can’t do anything without their help. In reality, you are more than capable of doing things on your own. This is what narcissists don’t want you to realize.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship).

When you realize your true strength and skill, the narcissists may lose the veneration that was previously showered on them. This condition will scare them to death because honor and veneration from others are oxygen to them.

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