7 Things Narcissists Do When You Ignore Them


2. They will look for a new supply

 When you ignore the narcissist, they will find someone else to listen to all their problems. They will dump all of their negativity onto someone else, but their new supply may often be just as toxic as they are, so they may enjoy talking about you with the narcissist. They may enjoy the gossip, or even if the new supply is a decent person, they may get a sense of reward from feeling like they are helping them.

 The narcissist will play the victim. They will give sob stories to the new supply. They will say things to make the new supply feel sorry for them so that they would help the narcissist- they want to fix them. The narcissist will then triangulate you with a new supply. They will do this to make you want to come back. And they will do it to get a reaction out of you. They’re just looking for a response, they’re trying to bait you in, they’re trying to entice you because they don’t like it when you ignore them. They want your attention, and they want you to talk to them.

 3. Hoovering

 If you don’t fall for the bait, eventually the narcissist will be forced to hoover you. This could take a few weeks or a few months, but they will only hoover you if you don’t fall for the bait and if you don’t fall for their attempts to entice you.

 When they hover you, it may be over the phone or through text. But if you’ve read enough of my articles, you will have realized that there’s nothing you can say to a narcissist. Your only option is to block them.

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