7 SIGNS You Are Dealing With A Covert Narcissist


6. Use humour to devalue

 The sixth sign is that they will make fun of sensitive matters. Narcissists lack empathy, so they are not able to consider the true hurt they cause when they do this.

 The narcissist takes joy in other people’s misery, and they cover it up with humor and say that you are being too sensitive. They don’t care how embarrassing or hurtful it may have been to you, as far as they are concerned it was just a joke.

 7. They have double standards

They think people are too sensitive. People who take offense at what they say or do are too sensitive. They do not want to own up to the hurt that they’ve caused. It’s always the other person’s fault for being too sensitive. Narcissists discredit or feelings.

 So those are my covert signs for spotting a covert narcissist. Narcissists lack empathy, and a lot of the points I’ve raised are actually subtle signs that someone doesn’t really have empathy. So if someone you were wondering about appears to be a covert narcissist but you are not sure, look out for these seven subtle signs as well.

Find out more: The Top 7 Different Types Of Narcissists

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