7 SIGNS You Are Dealing With A Covert Narcissist


4. Easily offended

 The fourth sign is that there tend to be a lot of misunderstandings. This happens because narcissists are insecure and they take offense very easily. So you may end up having to apologize or you may realize other people around you having to apologize to the narcissist. in order to appease their ego.

5. Love to exaggerate

 The fifth sign is that they tend to exaggerate, which is just another word for lying, but this may be the closest you get in spotting and narcissists from a distance. You and them can witness the same event, but if they retell it, they will embellish the truth to make it more dramatic or fantastic than it really was.

 They cannot seem to retell things exactly as it happened, that’s why I have concluded that they are delusional.

A book: Will I Ever Be Free of You?: How to Navigate a High-Conflict Divorce from a Narcissist and Heal Your Family.

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