6 Ways To GET REVENGE On The Narcissist!


3. It’s time to hit the gym.

 Exercise whenever you have the time. Not only is exercise good for your health, but it’s the best way to blow off steam and induce that feeling of relaxation like nothing can touch you. On the bright side, you will get your body into perfect shape and you won’t have to do anything from then on. At the slightest glimpse of you and your stunning figure, the narcissist will be sorry that they ever left you, but by then, it will be too late.

 4. Don’t say anything at all.

 I know that you want to scream at the narcissist and that you are frustrated, but believe me, sometimes it’s best to say nothing at all and take the high road. Simply ignore the narcissist. There is nothing narcissists hate more than being ignored.

 5. Instead of revenge, bring your old self back.

 Instead of revenge, focus your energy on healing and getting better, because if you focus on the narcissist and ways to get revenge, you won’t have enough energy left to get yourself back on your own two feet. Forget about the narcissist, and focus on yourself and getting better at healing your broken heart and getting your self-esteem, confidence, and happiness back.

 It is in our nature to want to get even and not everyone can resist it, but believe me, it’s so much more satisfying and better for you to invest in yourself and your future and move on.

Psychopath Free: Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other Toxic People

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