5 Ways to Make a Narcissist Respect You Forever


 2. Develop self-agency.

 Now, self-agency is defined as an individual’s capacity to act independently and make their own free choices, acting from their own free will. In other words, know your mind and trust yourself. If you’re not there yet, that’s okay. You can get there. It requires taking the time to do the personal work, but you can get there.

 When you know your mind and you trust yourself, you are developing or have developed self-agency. And people with this kind of healthy self-esteem are far less vulnerable to toxic emotional manipulators and bullies.

3. Boundaries.

 Keep your distance emotionally and otherwise. Do not share unnecessarily. Definitely don’t overshare or attempt to bond in any way. Don’t give these people any ammunition, especially anything they can later use against you. They can and they will. Less is more with these people, always. And whatever you do, never ever show any weakness.

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