5 Lessons You MUST Learn From A Relationship With A Narcissist


1. Your gut instincts and your intuition are never ever wrong.

The first lesson you better learn from your relationship with a narcissist is that your gut instincts and your intuition is never ever wrong. All of us who have been involved with the narcissist, are guilty of ignoring our gut instinct or our intuitive feeling in the beginning when we first met the narcissist. That was telling us that something was off, or wrong, or unnerving about him or her.

 Literally, I have never ever met one victim of a narcissist who cannot identify with this. Our instincts are telling us something is off with this person or not quite right. And instead of listening to that, we suppress it or we told ourselves we’re being judgmental or not giving this person a fair shot. This is a critical mistake always. Your gut instincts, your intuition is mother nature’s internal alarm system we all have that is there to keep you safe. Anytime you ignore or suppress your gut instinct about someone else is going to be a mistake.

 So lesson number one, you really need to learn from your relationship with the narcissist is never ever ignore your intuition and gut instincts about someone. If you get an unsettling feeling, listen to it and do yourself a favor and get the hell away.

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