3 Red Flags of Narcissism Everyone Should Know


 3. Exploitative

 The third E is exploitative. They will exploit others or take advantage of other people or situations. The definition of exploitation is the action or fact of treating someone and fairly in order to benefit from their work. An example would be the exploitation of immigrant workers. It’s further defined as the fact of making use of a situation to gain an unfair advantage for oneself.

 I want to give you some synonyms for exploitation: taking advantage of, abusive, manipulation, cheating, swindling, corruption, maltreatment, fraud, preying on, or my personal favorite, sucking dry because given the opportunity, trust me when I tell you they will indeed suck you dry. So they won’t have any ethical issues taking advantage of a person or a circumstance.

 Many times I’ll refer to these people as con men or women because they’re so good at this. Most times, they’ll appear to truly care and be respectable people, however behind closed doors, they’ll take any opportunity to screw somebody over. Another issue that you will need to take into consideration is if you’re dealing with an overt narcissist or a covert narcissist.

 If you’re dealing with a covert narcissist, sometimes also referred to as a shy narcissist, they’re very sneaky. Overt narcissists are kind of out in your face and big and bold. They exhibit overt behaviors and for the most part, are fairly easy to identify once you become educated.

A BOOK: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse

 Covert narcissists are just different beasts, and many times they come across as timid or shy incredibly kind only out for the good of others. However, if you pay close attention, you will witness the same 3 E’s from both overt and covert narcissists. They just will be displayed in different manners.

 In closing, you want to remember and memorize the three E’s when judging someone’s character or personality for narcissism. Number one entitlement, number two lack of empathy, and number three exploitative. I would also like to mention how important it is for us to educate our children about narcissism. In my opinion, and you’re gonna hear me say this a lot, there should be public psychopathy education starting in high school.

And I think parents have an absolute duty to educate their kids when they are mature enough. But kids need to be educated about cluster B personality disorders because as most of us know the damage and destruction they can cause to your life can be devastating.

 So please keep this 3 E’s formula in your mind for yourself and consider teaching it to anyone else in your life that you love because knowledge is our only power to combat this.

Read More: What Causes Narcissistic Personality Disorder


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