12 Signs To Know You Are An Empath | Empath Test


 8. You Are a Walking Lie Detector.

 Empaths discern the subtlest cues, see beneath the surface, and process information at the speed of thought. They can tell with conviction when someone is manipulating the truth. It is helpful to know that the outset whether someone in your circle is trustworthy or not. But, this also means facing heartbreak and disappointment.

 9. You Need to Build Personal Walls.

 Empaths who have been using their gifts for years have found it necessary to build walls, create boundaries for self-preservation. Have you ever felt the need to set certain limits and how you interact with certain people? These walls decrease an empath’s capacity to absorb negative energy. Some empaths have taken on meditation and other practices that let them shut their minds for a time, and fortify the walls against overwhelming emotions.

A Book: The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.

 10. You Have The Uncanny Ability to Mimic Postures and Expressions.

 The unconscious imitation of observable action is not necessarily present in all empaths. The ability to mirror another person’s movements had been attributed to how an empath’s neural relays respond while interacting with another person. Simplified peculiarities of the empath’s brain circuitry allow them to imitate facial expressions and hand gestures, even tone of voice for strong emotions such as pain and disgust.

 How much a person can mirror depends on the degree to which these neural processes are engaged? These studies also show that the response of the person empathizing is in attenuated form, suggesting the brain has mechanisms in place to keep a sensitive person from being overwhelmed.

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