10 Weird Habits Of A Covert Narcissist


 Number 9: They are super competitive.

 Covert narcissists go to any length to win, even if it means breaking the rules. There are also Natural Born salespeople and will do whatever it takes to close the deal. This can include being strategic to appear more competent or using their friends as pawns to get ahead.

 Covert narcissists hate losing and will do whatever it takes to come out on top. They use their charm to get what they want and manipulate others into doing things for them. Narcissists want to be the best at everything, and they’re always looking for an opportunity to prove it.

 Number 10: Covert narcissists can’t take jokes and criticisms.

 Covert narcissists think they are better than everyone else and are very sensitive to criticism or judgment. They get defensive and angry when they feel like they are being attacked. Narcissists are so afraid of criticism or being made fun of that they will go to Great Lengths to avoid it. Try to joke with a covert narcissist, he or she will usually take it very seriously and get upset with you for making fun of him or her.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Covert narcissists believe they are perfect and always deserve the best; they don’t like to be corrected or questioned. Narcissists think they know everything and often interrupt others when talking. What makes covert narcissists particularly difficult to deal with is their ability to hide their true feelings from others. They’ll often act as if they care about you while secretly resenting or taking advantage of you.

 They’re also good at protecting an image of themselves as being kind and caring when they are manipulative and selfish in reality. But if you know these weird habits they possess and how to deal with them, covert narcissists can be handled effectively.

Read More: 7 Signs Your Narcissistic Husband Is Secretly Gay.


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