10 Ways to Spot A Narcissist on your First Date


 Number 4: Your date goes far with the humble brag.

 After discussing the technicalities, we move on to the excessive pride they may take in themselves. Talking about one’s accomplishments is not a bad thing, but it becomes off-putting if that’s the only thing your date actually talks about. A clear sign of narcissism is that they only focus on what they’ve accomplished. They also speak about what they like and care about while disregarding yours.

 Number 5: Your date dominates the conversation.

 If your day tends to control where the conversation goes, it may signify that their narcissism cannot hold a fair exchange of ideas. If you haven’t gotten a word in the conversation and they keep talking over you, it’s not because they’re just talkative or really passionate about their interests, it’ll feel as if they’re the only ones whose opinion matters. Think again!

 Number 6: Your date slightly devalues you.

 Making needlessly mean and discouraging comments on the first date is a huge red flag no matter how funny he thinks his remarks are. Criticizing you, especially without access to your background and who you really are signifies their insecurity, and boy, are they projecting it onto you?

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