10 Ways to Show A Narcissist That You Don’t Care


 Number 3: Don’t compliment them in any way, shape, or form.

 Narcissists thrive on attention and admiration. If you’re dealing with a narcissist, they will be happy to tell you that they’re great at everything. They’ll brag about their achievements and how amazing they are as people. Don’t compliment the narcissists. If they can’t get those things from other people, they’ll try to get them from themselves.

 So when you compliment them, they’ll feel good about themselves and then return to their old behavior patterns. This includes telling them that they look nice or smart or anything like that. If they ask why you aren’t saying anything, say “I just don’t like to compliment people”.

 Number 4: Don’t let them use guilt trips on you.

 If you’re dealing with a narcissist, you know how much they love to play the guilt card. If they bring up something from your past that made you feel bad, don’t let them get away with it now by making you feel guilty for something else. Don’t let them use guilt trips on you.

If a narcissist tries to guilt-trip you into doing something for them, just say “No”. If a narcissist wants something from you but won’t take no for an answer, it’s not worth your time wasted on them. Narcissists don’t care about your needs or desires; they only care about themselves. So it’s important not to let them guilt-trip you into doing things for them because if you give in, they’ll keep doing it.

 Number 5: Don’t respond immediately to them when they say something hurtful.

 When they say something hurtful, don’t respond immediately; wait a few minutes before responding so that they’ll get bored of waiting for a response from you. Narcissists will then move on to someone else who will give them what they want, an audience full of desperate people to hear every word they say. If the narcissist pushes too hard, feel free to tell them how much their actions hurt or upset you, but only in a matter-of-fact tone of voice without any emotion involved.

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