10 Ways to Show A Narcissist That You Don’t Care


 Number 6: Ignore them when they try to get your attention.

 If you want to show a narcissist that you don’t care, the best way is by ignoring them completely when they try to get your attention. If they’re constantly trying to make sure you notice them and give them attention, just ignore it. If they keep doing it, walk away; you can’t change them or their behavior so there’s no point trying. This will make them feel like their efforts are not working. Narcissists will eventually give up trying so hard because it’s not worth all the effort if no one cares about them anyway.

 Number 7: Refuse to play their games.

 When you’re dealing with a narcissist, sometimes the only way to get them to stop trying to control you is by showing them that they don’t have power over you, and the best way to show a narcissist that they don’t have power over you is by refusing to play their games. This means not responding when they try to make you feel guilty or manipulate you into doing what they want.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

 When narcissists accuse you of doing something wrong, tell them calmly that no, it’s not true. When they try to make you jealous, stay calm and cool, and if they try to make themselves look good at your expense, they will just walk away. By refusing to play their games, you’ll send the message that you don’t need them in your life, which might be enough for them to back off.

 Number 8: Don’t take responsibility for their actions or words.

 Narcissists will always try to make other people feel responsible for their actions so that they don’t have to be accountable for what they’ve done or said. Don’t fall into this trap, it’s not your fault if someone else is acting like an asshat. If they try to blame you for something and make it seem your fault, you can always say: “But I didn’t do anything.”

 Narcissists always make themselves seem like the victims in any situation, even when they’re abusive towards others. show narcissists that you don’t care about their behavior by refusing to engage with them or acknowledge what they’re doing.

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