10 Ways Narcissists Use People For S*x


 Number 9: People are just for their grandiosity and s*xual prowess.

 Narcissists inflate their sense of themselves. They have high opinions of themselves, whether or not they are in or out of bed. For narcissists, s.e.x is not about deepening bonds but rather their bedroom’s conquest. They lack empathy and focus only on their own pleasures. They are more concerned with quantity over quality. For them, it is about performance and not their partner’s approval. Often, this leads to unsafe s.e.x and s*xual abuse.

 Number 10: Exploit then discard.

 For narcissists, you are just a mere commodity. They can treat you like a treasure to trash really quickly. They will exploit everything through s*xual activity, doing it over and over again until you are physically and psychologically dry. And they neglect and ignore you after s*x, then find new targets to have s*x with; do the same to them and repeat the process. They may come back and lead you on again, only to neglect and ignore you again when they get the s*x they wanted.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Here is a bonus for you.

 Number 11: Narcissists send pictures of his manhood or D pics.

 Narcissists want to show off. They think highly of themselves as well as their manhood. They believe that they have bigger manhood than others, that is why narcissists will show it off to the person they want to have s*x with. And hey think that it is big that you will be tempted to it. Beware of these kinds of people; they suddenly show it when in the car or send it online because, after this, narcissists will force you to send a picture of yours, very nasty!

 If someone is treating you like this, there is only one thing to do: get away and avoid this person. Narcissists who are obsessed with s*x are labeled as s*xual narcissists. However, narcissists of all kinds are prone to exhibiting abusive s*xual behaviors. They are equally dangerous in what they do inside and outside the mattress.

Read More: 10 Ways to Spot A Narcissist on your First Date.


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