10 Ways Narcissists Use People For S*x


 Number 1: Love bombing.

 Most people desire people who possess an endearing and alluring charm. Hence, narcissists tend to act charming just to get admiration or that they would be selected by the people around them. They believe that they deserve to be admired and desired.

At the beginning of the relationship, they will show you how charming they are, spoiling you with love and affection to win you over, acting as if they are the most romantic and caring people you will ever know to seduce you. The pattern is to impress, entrap, and then ultimately manipulate. The goal is to make you submit to catering to their s*xu*l needs. They expect s.e.x in return for the favors and gifts they have previously shown.

 Number 2: They make people codependent and then take advantage.

 It takes two to tango; so it is with s.e.x. Being recognized and needed by somebody is quite fascinating; It makes a person feel necessary. Hence, narcissists make you feel like you are required; they make you believe that they need you. Narcissists will make you get used to such feelings. Ultimately, making you co-dependent, then they take advantage.

Co-dependents are selfless people. These people are perfect targets for selfish narcissists. Narcissists instill co-dependency upon people to complement their self-centered nature. While the narcissistic person has found someone who puts their needs first, the co-dependent person felt crucial for having found somebody to pour their whole body and soul into.

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