10 Things that Narcissists Do at the End of Every Relationship


 Number 4: They will blame you for everything.

 When you finally end up your relationship with a narcissist, they’ll try to convince you that the breakup was your fault. They’ll say things like: “I’m not good enough for anyone” or “I wasn’t worth it.” They’ll try to guilt-trip you into staying together. They will use your guilt as a weapon against you, and then they’ll hold all of the cards and make sure that you feel like a failure.

 Narcissists will blame you for everything. They will never take responsibility or ownership of their actions. Even when they have abused or hurt you, they will still find a way to blame you. Your partner is a narcissist will never take responsibility or ownership of their mistakes and use them against you.

 Number 5: They will control your emotions by gaslighting you.

 Gaslighting is used to gain control over someone’s emotions and make them feel like things are happening around them that aren’t real. Gaslighting occurs when a narcissist manipulates someone into believing something untrue. This can happen through emotional abuse, but it can also happen by telling lies about their actions without ever seeing those actions directly themselves.

 Narcissists use gaslighting tactics at the end of every relationship to convince you that your thoughts are crazy or wrong so they can control you better. They often change the topic, avoid eye contact, and give conflicting statements to previously agreed upon facts.

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