10 Things that Cause Narcissists to Panic


 Number 9: When you are completely calm.

 Being calm is one of the most important things you can do with a narcissist. They live in a constant state of panic and will often lash out at you… this will often throw them off guard and make them question their behavior. So when they’re lashing out, don’t be afraid to stay calm and non-reactive. Don’t take anything personally.

 Narcissists have no problem lying or manipulating others, so don’t let yourself get wrapped up in their games… It’ll only make things worse for you in the long run. Remember that they’re just trying to get a reaction out of you. If you don’t give them one, they’ll eventually lose interest and move on to someone else who will provide everything they want.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Number 10: When you expose them.

 Narcissists hate being exposed. They will do anything to keep their secret identities intact, and when you can tell them who they are, it can feel like an act of betrayal. They will go out of their way to ensure that people don’t see them as the person they are. When you do point out their true nature, they’ll go into panic mode. They hate being exposed because their identity is built on lies. They live on lies about who they are and what kind of person they care about.

Narcissists constantly have to prove themselves…they are continually looking for validation and must be seen as the best at everything they do. They feel like everyone is out of get them, and they spend their lives trying to prove that they’re better than other people.

Being able to identify observable narcissistic behaviors can go long way. These are a few things that make narcissists panic, and many of them also contribute to the negative thoughts that drive their behavior. Underneath their outgoing facades, they are deeply insecure and susceptible to criticism. If you throw a wrench in the narcissist’s false self, they will react with worry and panic, anxious to preserve the image they have worked so hard to build.

Read More: 5 Weaknesses All Narcissists Have But Don’t Want You To Know.


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