10 Things that Cause Narcissists to Panic


 Number 6: When you stop giving them attention and validation.

 Narcissists are attention Seekers and use people to get it. They’ll start doing anything to get your attention and validation, even if it means being abusive or toxic toward you. But when you stop giving them the attention and Assurance they need, it can trigger a narcissistic panic attack.

 Narcissists need constant compliments and admiration from their Partners or family members to feel secure in themselves. They don’t just like being validated for who they are as people, they also like to be told how great everything about them is, especially regarding their looks and intelligence.

 Number 7: When you stop indulging in their drama.

 One of the most significant ways to get under a narcissistic skin is to stop indulging in their drama. Narcissists are all about creating drama and then getting others to take part in it. They have loving people around who will play other stories for them… whether those stories are real or not.

The Narcissist might try to make it seem like they’ve got it all together, but deep down, they are insecure and needy. You might not realize how much of a narcissist’s life is dedicated to their drama until you stop indulging in it. When you do, narcissists feel like they’re losing control. Eventually, that could lead to some severe consequences for you.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship).

 Number 8: When you don’t empathize with them.

 Narcissists are always looking for ways to get attention, including getting you to feel sorry for them when they’re having a bad day. They want you to care about their problems and need you to be on their side a hundred percent of the time. And if you’re not, they freak out in panic. If you’re not empathizing with a narcissist, you can deeply hurt a narcissist’s fragile ego.

 Narcissists are so often focused on themselves that they can interpret any reaction as an attack on their self-worth. They fear being seen as Unworthy of others’ empathy and they need you to see them as someone worth caring about. When you don’t, it can be terrifying for them.

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