10 Things Narcissists Regret In Their Life


 Number 9: Not being able to stay on top at all times.

 Narcissists have a lot of confidence in their abilities, leading them to believe they are better than everyone else. They don’t like to be seen as weak, and they don’t like to be seen as having flaws, so they’ll do whatever it takes to try and stay on top. While this is true, narcissists are not invincible and their skills and abilities can still falter at any moment. A narcissist’s life is a constant battle for dominance and they hate it when they’re not winning.

 That’s why they’ll often make excuses for their failures like: “If only I had more time” or “If only my parents hadn’t been so demanding.” They’ll tell themselves that they’d be unstoppable if they could get the right circumstances, but they don’t realize that they’re not interested in being Unstoppable. Narcissists want to win every time, even if it ticks everyone down.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Number 10: Never being able to be truly loved by anyone.

 One of the biggest regrets a narcissist has is being unable to find someone who will love them the way they want to be loved. Narcissists are often very lonely people, they don’t understand why other people can’t see how amazing they are, and so they struggle with loneliness and isolation throughout their lives. Narcissists may have had a few relationships in the past, but none of them worked out because they cannot give love back to others.

 They simply cannot understand other people’s needs or emotions, which makes it impossible for them to form deep bonds with others. Narcissists often have unrealistic expectations of what they can get out of relationships and can also have difficulty letting people in; this makes it difficult for them to connect with others on an emotional level. Because narcissists are so focused on themselves, they often make bad choices regarding relationships, which can lead to regret later in life.

 Narcissists’ biggest regret is probably feeling like they’ve spent their whole lives trying to prove themselves worthy of love but never actually getting it. This can lead to feelings of emptiness and depression and anger at others for not loving them enough. Their lack of self-love leads them down a path where they don’t believe anyone else can love them. That is why they tend to be selfish, controlling, and manipulative.

Read More: 10 Desperate Things Narcissists Do When You Are Not Around.


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