10 Most Effective Words that Will Crush Narcissists


 Number 3: “Let it go.”

 Narcissists aren’t the ones who back down on any arguments or competitions, they just can’t let it go for the sake of their pride. It’s a part of who they are and what they do and they must win at all costs, even when the stakes are low. Narcissists won’t let it go because it means admitting defeat, they can’t handle that, so they continue to fight. It is a battle of winds you can win if you know how to do it properly.

 The key to getting narcissists to let go is to have absolute confidence in yourself. If you show them that you’re not afraid of them and that they can’t control your reactions, they will back down eventually. You also need to be prepared for what happens next, you can’t expect them not to strike back, right?

 Number 4: “It’s not about you.”

 These words are the biggest weapon you have against the narcissist. They can break them down because they don’t like getting told their actions, thoughts, and feelings aren’t vital. If we say to a narcissist “it’s not about you”, it can be upsetting for them. That is because they think everything’s about them, so when someone says otherwise, it feels like an attack on their worldview. They live in a world where they are always right, and if you say something that contradicts that, it must be wrong.

 Number 5: “You are not enough.”

 Narcissists need a lot of validation: They need to be told how great they are, how smart they are, and how much better than everyone else. You may have noticed that narcissists in your life are always talking about themselves and has an incredible sense of entitlement. But when you tell the narcissist that they are not enough, it will crush them and they will feel like they got punched in the stomach.

 Narcissists still feel like a failure and that their whole world has fallen apart. When you tell them this, it will probably put on an act to make it seem as if they are not bothered by your comment. But deep down inside, narcissists will be crushed, which can develop into insecurity and rage.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship).

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