Why Empaths Going No Contact With Narcissists Are In Danger


 6. Narcissists are known to get aggressive.

 Yes, narcissists will lash out when they don’t get what they want. Empaths should be careful if they are together with the narcissist in public and they will not give them the attention they demand. Narcissists have a childlike tendency, they may raise their voice so that other people can listen in on the conversation or the argument in an attempt to make the empath feel uncomfortable and give in. Empaths should be firm and assertive.

 In these situations, it is always better to just get away as there is no winning against a narcissist who is lashing out to get what he or she wants. It is not beneath a narcissist to use hurtful words and even physical force. They may try to hold the empath aggressively and say insulting and demeaning words to them in a raised voice.

 An empath who is not prepared for this kind of aggressiveness will most likely give in. However, empaths should remember that narcissists won’t reciprocate and that it is always better to cut ties no matter how messy the breakup will be.

A Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself.

 5. Narcissists will stalk the empath.

 Yes, stalking is against the law, and yes, a narcissist will most likely stalk the empath if the empath suddenly decides to have no contact with the narcissists. Things can easily spin out of control from here, having someone stalk you is very uncomfortable and scary. When someone stalks you, it is so easy to overthink. What if they jump at you when you are alone? What if they do something outside that is unlawful? And what if they allegedly enter your home?

 Although it is still arguable if narcissists are capable of doing unlawful acts, it is still very disorienting to an empath to have someone stalk them. It may affect their sleep, their mood, and even scare their family members. In these cases, it is usually best to ask for assistance from the authorities.

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