What Type Of Relationship Do Narcissists Want


 Narcissists are an interesting bunch as on one hand, they would love to be surrounded by people. So, they create an image and persona in order to attract people to them. But then their treatment of people eventually either drives people away or have people avoiding them. Because the real reason narcissists want relationships is for a lot more darker reasons than what I’ve previously mentioned.

 Apart from being loved or desired, what narcissists want more than anything is control. Narcissists are users and abusers. Narcissists see friends as potential flying monkeys and partners as emotional punching bags. They only care about taking what they can from you and leaving you with nothing. Therefore, Narcissists have high expectations of the people in their lives and they also feel entitled to a lot more of the people around them than they realistically should.

 So, people having boundaries annoys them, and they always seek to aim to break down those boundaries. Narcissists are all about subjugation, they despise the individuality, independence, and confidence that other people have. And that brings us to the type of relationship narcissists want.

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