What Makes The Covert Narcissist So Dangerous


5. The Female Covert Narcissists.

And if I had to take it even further, I would say that the covert female narcissist is more dangerous than their male counterparts. I know some people will argue that all narcissists are the same, but I strongly believe the covert female narcissist is the most dangerous of all. I have had to deal with both male and female narcissists, and the same is true that hell has no fury as a woman scorned. And if that woman is a narcissist, on top of that, it’s a done deal.

 But those who can attest to this are the children and partners of these female narcissists, but also any other woman like myself who has had to endure the unjustifiable wrath, envy, and hatred of these evil female entities. They are soft feminine nature that they can turn on and off, coupled with their amazing acting skills of being a helpless victim, which can make the unaware turn a blind eye and doubt their culpability. But don’t get me wrong. I am NOT saying that I prefer one over the other because they are all toxic and evil in their own way.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 But to summarize, covert narcissists are dangerous because it doesn’t take much to rub them the wrong way and then be in jeopardy. It’s like they are looking to be offended so that they can justify the evil and the malice that they already have towards you. So, how does this unforgiveness affect them?

Well, one sure way is that they’re pitted. This creates a long list of offenses that they carry throughout their lifetime. They burden themselves with this unnecessary load that affects their health. It’s not sustainable carrying around all that negative energy, continually carrying unforgiveness weakens the spirit, burdens the mind, and manifests itself physically through various ailments.

So, in the end, the covert narcissists are actually slowly killing themselves, drowning in a sea of unforgiveness. However, narcissists do not forgive and want vengeance for even the smallest or even make-believe offenses. But this characteristic exposes the true darkness within them and the bitterness of their soul.

Read More: 7 Things Narcissists Fear The Most.


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