What Happens When You Break Up With A Narcissist


1. Blame game.

 Narcissists are not capable of accepting responsibility for anything perceived as failure- That means they will put the blame for the loss of the relationship entirely on you. They will not spare your feelings when it comes to detailing all the reasons why the breakup is your fault. They likely put you on a pedestal when the relationship started. And they probably told you how lucky they were to have won your love.

 But that initial seeming adoration won’t save you from receiving the blame when things fall apart. You will become one of the most despised people in the narcissist’s life as they perceive you to have been single-handedly responsible for the failed relationship. Nothing you say will change their mind, so it’s really not worth your time to try and end things amicably. It’s better to get out as quickly as possible so that both of you can move on with your lives.

2. Try to convince you that you’ve made a mistake.

 Your narcissistic partner will use many techniques to convince you that you’ve made a mistake when deciding to end the relationship. They will tell you that you’ve misinterpreted what they said or that you’re being too sensitive. They’ll begin with charm and charisma to convince you. When that doesn’t work, they’ll move on to intimidation and even provocation.

 After a long time of being told that you’ve been misinterpreting their actions, you’re probably used to second-guessing your own view of reality, and your narcissistic partner will use that to their advantage. One of the things you’ll notice however is that even though they may be trying to be positive about why it’s important to save your relationship, the reasons they’re giving for why you shouldn’t leave are actually negative statements about you. It’s not really about encouraging you to stay with them for positive reasons. It’s really another way to manipulate you by lowering your self-esteem so you won’t feel like you can leave.

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