What Does The Narcissist Really Care About


1. Image.

So, the first thing that means the world to the Narcissist is their image. The way they look, dress, etc. Image is everything to a Narcissist. Sociopaths, on the other hand, would have no issues rolling out of bed and walking to a corner shop all ruffled and unkept because they do not care how they look or how they are perceived. They make an effort only when it suits them.

 But Narcissists, especially in their prime years, are obsessed with looking good and appearing to have it all. The Covert Narcissist, specifically, is very strategic with what they allow people to see about them. When they walk out of that door, they see it as a performance. Everything has to be in line with the image that they are trying to push.

 Narcissists invest time, money, and energy to look good and get people to think quite highly of them. Everything they do is to improve their reputation and status. And the only people who get to see behind the disguise are those closest to them like their partners and children.

This is why exposing the narcissist for the fraud or imposter that they are is one of their greatest fears, because, without that fake image, they have nothing. Without that fake image of being a hero or victim, they would be seen for the cruel monsters that they are. And that will destroy them because as I explained in this article, the Narcissist needs our validation. They need us to think highly of them to help boost their ego and fake sense of self.

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