What A Narcissist Hopes When You Go No Contact

#7. The all-out smear campaign.

When all else fails, they’ll try to burn your reputation to the ground. Suddenly, you’re the villain in their story. They’ll paint you as manipulative, unstable, and even abusive. And guess what? They might even throw around the word “narcissist.” It’s a twisted form of projection. They’ll accuse you of doing the exact same things they’ve done to you. They’ll rewrite your entire history, casting themselves as the long-suffering victim. They may even reach out to your friends, family, or even colleagues. No one is off limits in their quest to discredit you. They might share private information or twisted versions of your interactions. You can read our article about Rumours Narcissists Like To Spread About You.

Recommended Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

And here’s the really messed up part: some people will believe them. The narcissist can be incredibly convincing when they’re in full-on victim mode. They’ve had a lifetime of practice, after all. But here’s what you need to remember: this isn’t about truth; it’s about control. They’re trying to isolate you, to make you doubt yourself. They want you to come running back just to defend yourself. Don’t fall for it. Your true friends and family will see through the lies, and engaging only gives them more ammunition. Stay silent, stay strong, and let your actions speak for themselves. Stand in your own integrity.

This smear campaign is often their last resort. And if this doesn’t work, they might finally realize they’ve lost control. But be prepared: some narcissists will cycle through these tactics over and over. So your best defense is to maintain no contact and focus on your own healing, because that right there is when you become too strong for the narcissist. And if you want to know what happens then, read this article here.

Read More: How A Narcissist Reacts When You’ve Become Too Strong!


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