Top 10 Reasons Narcissists Discard a Target

 3. You slowed down on giving the narcissist tons of uninterrupted narcissistic supply

 Narcissists need to be the center of your world at all times, with no exceptions. They want your undivided attention and continual adoration and narcissistic supply. If you have other obligations and duties in life, this could very well be a problem for them or maybe you just got tired of continually having to be on for the narcissist. But the narcissistic supply they are getting from you starts to decline. They aren’t going to like that one bit, and a discard will likely be headed your way in the future.

 4. You started establishing boundaries

 I’m not sure there are too many things that narcissists hate more than having to abide by someone’s boundaries. They hate boundaries with an absolute passion. So if you have come to the conclusion that being in this relationship is not working for you without boundaries, and you try to establish and enforce new boundaries, this will be met with extreme opposition by the narcissist. Whether that comes in the form of rage, guilt, shame, or withholding love and affection, they are going to do their best to try and get you to ignore these boundaries of yours. And if that doesn’t work, then the discard may be in your near future.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

 5. You’re on to them

 You are starting to figure out something as seriously wrong. Possibly you even mentioned the word narcissism. Narcissists do not fear anything as much as they fear exposure, and they are not interested in the least in hearing any narrative of reality that does not put them in the best possible light. They aren’t interested in any version of reality other than the phony one that they tell themselves.

 So if you start to figure them out, and they know you’re starting to figure them out, then it’s very likely that they are going to discard you and go straight into the smear campaign against you, if they haven’t already. They will try and destroy your reputation and good name before you have the opportunity to tell other people the truth.

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