This is Why You Feel CRAZY Around a Narcissist


 Word salad is how narcissists communicate nearly all of the time in any conversation that they have with anyone, and they use it for all sorts of different reasons. They use it to gaslight you, number one, confuse you, escape accountability, blame shift, manipulate the topic, make you feel guilty or pity them, and many times, they simply do it for the fun of it. It’s sheer entertainment to them to watch a highly empathetic sensitive person struggle to make sense of what they are saying or what they are trying to get us to comprehend.

 Word salad is the style or the way they communicate and manipulate conversations, words, and language. They tend to be these circular conversations that result in no resolution or just sheer confusion. They may talk very fast and furious, changing the topic of conversation many times to try and throw you off. Sometimes what they are saying is completely and totally illogical and doesn’t make a lot of sense. And they twist and turn conversation like it’s an acrobat, and you leave feeling confused, frustrated, irritated, or resulted in you being blamed and made to feel guilty for something that you didn’t do or is just completely illogical.

 So, why do they do that?

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