The Sexual Narcissist – How to Identify If You Might Be With One.


3. Ignore and neglect you after s*x.

 Another dead giveaway that you are with a s*xual narcissist is that they will ignore and neglect you after s*x. Again, narcissists are unable to be intimately and emotionally attached to their partners. So it’s very common for them to be distant or become preoccupied with other things after s*x.

S*xual narcissists don’t really cuddle after s*x or do the intimate things that normal people do who have the ability to emotionally connect to another person. So if you are being disregarded after having s*x with your partner, you may need to consider the fact that you might be with the s*xual narcissist.

A Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself.

4. They are usually serial cheaters.

 Another very typical but unfortunate sign that you are with a s*xual narcissist is that they are usually serial cheaters. Remember, s*xual narcissists, get their narcissistic supply from their belief that they are this amazing s*xual god, and they are addicted to narcissistic supply. And if this person is a s*xual narcissist, then they get their narcissistic supply many times from the act of having s*x.

 So it’s very common for these narcissists to cheat and cheat a lot, and it’s certainly not uncommon for them to even develop a s*x addiction.

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