The Sexual Narcissist – How to Identify If You Might Be With One.


1. S-x is way more about the physical than the emotional.

 S*xual narcissists, like all narcissists, have an inability to have a genuinely, emotionally intimate relationship with anyone. Therefore, the emphasis for them s*xually is all about their performance.

 Typically, they believe they have enormous amounts of s*xual appeal; they will usually be in love with the way that they look in the physique of their bodies, and they use their partner as more of a mirror that communicates how amazing they are or they think they are, then true interest in their partner.

 A lot of the time, the partner of the s*xual narcissist will feel more like an object than a person and a partner. S*x with a s*xual narcissist can feel mechanical, solely focused on the narcissist and the admiration they crave to be seen as a superior s*xual being.

2. Lack of empathy.

 Next, and I’m sure this won’t be a shocker to any of you, but the s*xual narcissists, like all narcissists, will have a complete lack of empathy for their partner. So for example, if the narcissist’s partner tries to communicate their needs and desires to them, they won’t really care if their partner’s needs aren’t being met. They aren’t really concerned with the desires of their partners.

 And if you try to achieve any amount of true intimacy, you are likely going to be very disappointed. S*x with a s*xual narcissist is an event that is used to attain narcissistic supply for the narcissist. So they tend to be solely focused on their performance, their s*xual appeal, and making sure they feel appropriately acknowledged and praised for their abilities, which in their mind, are on a level that are far superior to anyone else’s.

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