The Narcissist Will Do Anything To Avoid This


But if we have proof, we won’t even have to say a word. Narcissists are slippery devils, and their fake image is a huge investment that they are not willing to let anyone easily come in and take it from them. So, for every truth, the Narcissist has a hundred lies to counteract it.

To conclude, the Narcissist and the truth do not mix. They prefer to suppress the truth and masquerade the lie as the truth does not serve them. In their minds, their truth will take away everything they work so hard for, and if we are honest, the truth the Narcissist hides is not pretty. Because the truth of who they are is bound to make people run away from the Narcissist instead of towards them and the Narcissist cannot afford that.

A Book: Will I Ever Be Free of You?: How to Navigate a High-Conflict Divorce from a Narcissist and Heal Your Family- by Dr. Karyl McBride Ph.D.

 The Narcissist knows how deadly the truth is to their existence and success. So, will keep choosing to push and live the lie of something they are not. Their lies are protection and defense, but for us, their lies if believed, dooms us to be hurt and betrayed. And when it comes to the truth it’s an opposite outcome; as knowing and accepting the truth of what the Narcissist is about can save us but for the Narcissist the truth can destroy everything they’ve built.

 As usual, I hope you found this beneficial. Please do share wherever you can, and have a blessed week everyone.

Read More: Here Is How to Beat a Narcissist at Their Own Game.


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