The Aging Narcissist Man, What You Need To Know

The Aging Narcissist Man, What You Need To Know


Today, we’re going to talk about the aging narcissist man. What happens as they get older? Do they get better or worse? And what behaviors will they exhibit? buy car insurance online.

So as I said today, we’re talking about the aging narcissist man and what happens as they get older? Because narcissists use their charm, their looks, their professional achievements, their money, their intellect, their just overall charisma, their beauty, things of this nature when they are young in order to gain narcissistic supply and control over other people.

 However, as they age, typically, these things start to decline. No longer are they the most beautiful person in the room, or the smartest, or the wealthiest. These assets begin to decline with age. Most of us know that happiness comes from within, narcissists, however, don’t! Their happiness is strictly dictated by how much narcissistic supply they obtain on a day-to-day basis. buy car insurance online.

 Narcissists are not interested in any other reality other than the false one that they created. And as narcissists age, they inevitably will be presented with realities that do not align with the false self. Narcissists want everyone they come in contact with to essentially be a mirror that reflects back to them. How perfect and special they are. And as they age, the reflection they are getting back in the form of narcissistic supply starts to drastically decline. And to say they don’t enjoy this is the understatement of a lifetime. This triggers the true self that lies underneath the false self that feels deeply inferior and flawed. And when that gets triggered, it is unbearable for the narcissist. buy car insurance online.

 So what behaviors will the aging narcissist man exhibit as he ages?

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