Strategies To Survive The Holidays With A Narcissist


3. Do Not Share Anything About Yourself.

 And this should go without saying, but do not under any circumstances overshare anything about yourself or your life. You must remember, narcissists, are looking for anything, absolutely anything they can twist and turn and use against you. So keep your life and the things going on in your life private.

Do not offer up any information that could be manipulated or used negatively against you. My advice is to keep the topic of conversations off of you as much as possible.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse

4. Do Not Engage.

 Don’t engage in any fighting, trying to remain a neutral observer. Don’t take the bait. If you are unfortunate enough to be present when the narcissist starts in on something or someone, disengage, leave the room, do not get involved in the drama. No matter how offended you might be or how inappropriate it feels to you, don’t engage. That will only serve to fuel the narcissist.

 Remember, everything they do is about obtaining supply, which can be positive, in the form of your love and adoration, or negative in the form of your outrage or disgust. So if and when something happens, don’t engage. Remain a neutral observer.

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