Passive Aggressive Narcissist, How To Identify & Deal With Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Passive Aggressive Narcissist, How To Identify & Deal With Passive-Aggressive Behavior


Today, we’re going to talk about Passive-Aggressive narcissist, and how to identify and deal with passive-aggressive behavior.

Are you in a situation or a relationship where someone in your life constantly makes you doubt yourself, or you feel like you’re on this big roller coaster all the time that you never know which way it’s gonna turn or twist this time? Is there someone in your life who acts really nice to you sometimes and then, the next day, or the next hour, they act like a completely different person, and you feel kind of almost afraid of them or you’re walking on eggshells with them all the time?

Is there someone in your life who is always making you wait, or procrastinating, or refusing to talk to you, or take responsibility for anything they’ve done that hurt your feelings or made you upset? If so, you might be dealing with someone who’s passive-aggressive.

And if this is a constant ongoing behavior, you might be dealing with a passive-aggressive narcissist. And that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about today at, How to identify and deal with a passive-aggressive narcissist. So let’s get started.

So passive aggression is most often going to be used by narcissists who are of a covert nature. The more overt type will only use this in a situation where other people might be watching for the most part unless they’re just doing it to mess with your head. But the more covert types of narcissists will use this because they can deliberately express themselves in a way that’s kind of masked, kind of covers up the true intention, but you know exactly what they mean.

And usually, this is related to expressing feelings of frustration, anger, or narcissistic rage. It’s about getting back at whoever their target is. So, for example, they might say things like, okay fine, or whatever when you win an argument, or if you can tell that they’re angry and frustrated, they’re snooping around, and they might be like, what do you mean? I’m not mad, I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, even when they’re obviously being hostile, and clearly very upset about something.

 So, how do you deal with a passive-aggressive narcissist?

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