Narcissists vs Sociopaths (Differences & Similarities)


Number 5: Both are known to lie or behave immorally with ease and with little or no remorse.

 Both narcissists and sociopaths are known for their disregard of morals and honesty. Exploiting, manipulating, intimidating, and lying to others to achieve their own goals come naturally to them. Even if they’re caught in a lie or if their actions cause real harm, a narcissist or sociopath will most likely not feel any real remorse.

 Now, they might pretend to act remorseful and show guilt. This is especially common for narcissists, as acting callous or justified in their bad behavior will not serve their reputation in a positive manner. Pretending to be apologetic and remorseful is often just another one of the narcissists lies and manipulations to protect their reputation. However, regardless of how they may act, inside, it is incredibly rare for sociopaths or narcissists to feel true remorse for their harmful behavior.

Number 4: Both sociopaths and narcissists have either impaired empathy or no empathy at all for others.

 One of the trademarks of these two cluster B personality disorders is that they either have a significantly impaired empathic ability or feel no empathy at all. Of course, there may be rare exceptions where someone with NPD or ASPD does experience empathy for others, especially toward someone close to them, but a long-term pattern of lacking empathy is typical of both of these types of people.

This lack of empathy allows them to have a disregard for right and wrong, allowing them to treat people like a means to an end. Of course, if anyone treats them poorly or betrays them, they’ll usually become furious. But when they treat other people badly, they normally won’t be able to put themselves into other people’s shoes and recognize the pain they have caused. Instead, they’ll feel they were entitled to and justified in their toxic, harmful behaviors.

Number 3: They will both behave in a self-centered or arrogant manner.

Both sociopaths and narcissists are known to act arrogantly and in a manner that only has their self-interest in mind. They consider themselves number one in their lives and are at the center of their universe. There are some differences in this trait which we will get to later, but it is important to note that both types of people with these disorders usually only think about themselves when they make a decision. They will not think twice when it comes to hurting someone else as long as it benefits them in one way or another.

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