Narcissist Mind Games – 9 Most Common Mind Games Played By Narcissists


 8. Constant criticism

 You will always see this reenacted in movies and things. Whatever has been done or achieved by someone, they will let you know how they could have done it much better, and they will highlight the things that you couldn’t have done. They are basically aiming to shift the focus back onto themselves so they are always the center of attention.

 9. Throwing tantrums

 They will cause a commotion and raise their voice all in an effort to give you a very negative impression about ever confronting them about anything ever in the future. They think that if they make a big enough fuss this time around that, you will think twice about questioning them or calling them out next time.

 Now, this thing is very common when narcissists are called out for cheating on their partner. The narcissist will blow things up, start blaming the other person for their actions, deny things, and lastly, they will have a temper tantrum, possibly in public to make it really awkward so that you are like, it’s fine, just get in the house, we’ll work it out.

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