How To Deal With Being Ghosted, Top 5 Things To Do


5. Don’t Continue The Negative Abuse.

I don’t want you to continue this negative abusive cycle because I think that ghosting is abusive because you’re left there holding the bag, not knowing the answers to any of your questions.

And so remembering that it’s the best to be honest with somebody, to be straight forth with them, and tell them how you’re feeling, and what you think about the relationship so they can know because remember when you got ghosted it hurt really bad. So we need to be honest and forthright with our emotions, and we need to be honest with them so they understand where they stand. We don’t want to give somebody false hope, we don’t want to lead them on, and so people deserve the truth. So stop that vicious cycle, and just own up to your own feelings.

The interesting part about it is people might not be happy, someone might not be happy that you say I want to end the relationship, they might not be happy with you, they might not even talk with you, but you did the right thing, and if you’re honest and forthcoming, in the end, they’ll respect you for.

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