How Narcissistic Husbands Treat Their Wives


5. Using dating apps even if they are married.

 Most of the time, when narcissistic husbands are bored with their wives, they register on dating apps because they want to have fun. Even if they are married, they don’t care about their wife’s feelings; they just want to have fun on night outs and in clubs popping bottles. They are never considerate to their wives. They love to flirt around with other women and sleep with them.

On a side note, they don’t own up to their mistakes. The moment their wives get a hold of their bad habits, they just twist the story and blame the wife for being boring instead. This is the gaslighting habit done by the narcissist, to the point that the wives will believe everything the narcissist will say. Keep on the lookout for your husband because he may be the one who is next to use a dating app.

4. Giving their wives silent treatment after an argument.

 During an intense argument, narcissistic husbands would be the first ones to shout and blame their wives for the argument. They never yield an argument until silence comes, and in the upcoming moment, narcissistic husbands are still the ones with pride and dignity, and you will never hear the word sorry come out of their mouths. They want their wives or partners will be the first ones to apologize. They won’t ever apologize even if they’re the ones that fault and they are proud of what they are doing even if it’s wrong.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

3. They lack commitment and loyalty.

Like a playboy, even when married, narcissistic husbands never show loyalty and commitment to their wives or partners. They often fool around and take their marriage for granted. They just want to satisfy their desires for their flesh and lust. They always say that a real man sleeps with multiple women because, for them, a man can be a man depending on the number of women they slept with.

Their commitment to their family, their wife, and children are nothing more than just something they do on a daily basis- They show no love for their wives. To their children, they just see them as something like a resource to show that their life is perfect, that they have a perfect family.

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