How Do Narcissists React when you do Silent Treatment?


 Number 1: They will react with anger and frustration.

 When you do sell and treatment, narcissists May react with anger and frustration. They have difficulty understanding why you want to ignore them, since they typically feel entitled to constant attention from others. So, when you refuse to talk to or respond to their messages, they may feel confused and frustrated by your sudden cold shoulder.

 Narcissists may also get angry that you’re not giving them what they think they deserve. They are notoriously arrogant, so they may get angry or frustrated when you silently ignore them. They are used to being the center of attention and will try to get your attention by doing something that will trigger you. They might even be tempted to try and make you react, which could lead to an argument.

 Number 2: They will pretend that nothing is wrong and keep trying to talk to you.

 Narcissists are very good at pretending that nothing is wrong… they’ll keep trying to talk to you or send you messages asking what’s wrong. They don’t realize that you’re doing the silent treatment because they are so self-absorbed, they don’t know how to interpret your silence as a sign that something is wrong with them.

 Narcissists hate being ignored, so when you do the silent treatment to them, they will flip out. They’ll call you 50 times, and then show up at your house unannounced. When you get to talk about how you feel, they will just manipulate the situation again, making you at fault for everything you felt.

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