How Do Narcissists Feel When their Former Supply Is Looking Good?


 Number 6: They will feel the need to get revenge.

 Narcissists are not known for their forgiveness and forgetfulness. When a narcissists’ former Supply looks good, they will feel the need to get revenge. The Narcissist may try to destroy the person’s reputation, make them look bad in front of others, or even try to ruin their lives by spreading rumors about them. Narcissists are highly sensitive to social rejection and criticism, so when their former Supply begins looking better than they do, it can trigger the narcissist’s sense of Shame and humiliation.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Narcissists have difficulty accepting rejection, sometimes seeing it as a personal attack. They feel like you’re rejecting their entire identity when you reject them. They will act with anger and hostility to regain control over the situation. This can lead to further abuse or even violence.

 Number 7: They will worry about what others think of them.

 Narcissists are people who are entirely absorbed in their egos. They often fixate on their image and worry about what others think. When a former Supply looks good, they may be concerned that other people will think they look bad in comparison. This can lead to feelings of insecurity and self-doubt that make it difficult for them to be confident in their skin.

 Narcissists will always seek validation from others because their self-worth is never internalized; it’s based on outside approval. They’re concerned with how other people perceive their image and they don’t want to be seen as less than perfect. The more compliments their former Supply gets from others and the less attention a narcissist receives, the harder it will be for them to feel good about themselves again.

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