Female Covert Narcissist, Top 7 Behaviors You Need To Know


1. Tends to always be the victim

 One of the first behaviors you will likely notice is the female covert narcissist tends to always be the victim. She will continually portray herself as the victim. The victim of life in general, the victim of the people at work, the victim of her family or spouse, the victim of circumstances in general. But she will overwhelmingly be a victim.

 And she extracts tons of narcissistic supply from those around her that she convinces that she is indeed the victim. And she’s very good at getting people to believe she is really a victim. I would imagine because she’s a female.

 Remember, the covert narcissist is also referred to sometimes as the vulnerable narcissist. So she tends to come across as maybe very needy or maybe even week or defenseless. And that helps her pull off this idea that she is the victim. So, the number one behavior of the covert female narcissist is victimhood. buy car insurance online.

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