Covert Narcissists Use These To Escape Their Misery


1. People.

 The first major one is People. Narcissists see us as objects; pawns that they use in this game of life. They think we are here to serve them, entertain them, and make their lives easier. Therefore, they use us to distract them from themselves and their inner struggles. People and relationships are very important to the Narcissist as we are the source of their Narcissistic Supply; be it the regular Narcissistic Supply, which comes as a result of attention, recognition, and praise. Or the Dark Narcissistic Supply which they get from hurting us.

 Narcissistic supply is the reason why many Covert Narcissists enjoy meeting and connecting with people, as it allows them to use their charm and deceptive skills to boost their ego and forget their internal struggles.

 So, a new interest, in particular, offers the Narcissist tons of distractions and that is why they become obsessed with their new interest. By studying them, stalking them, and becoming one with them. They create their own delusions of a perfect partner and a perfect relationship. They eat, sleep and breathe this delusion until boredom sets in or they come across someone else who seems to be a better match for them.

A BOOK: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse

 The Narcissist ends up having multiple romantic relationships as they are never satisfied with just one. They always feel they can do better. So, someone else always comes along who grabs the Narcissist’s interest and provides a good sort after the escape. For more on Narcissists and relationships, please see this article where I went into What Type Of Relationship Do Narcissists Want. But then, they also distract themselves by fixating on revenge or causing hurt to someone.

 When a Narcissist is busy hurting and manipulating someone, it makes them feel good, it makes them feel in control and powerful. Misery loves company! This is how the Narcissist gets their Dark form of Narcissistic Supply and distracts themselves from their own misery. But to wrap this section up, People or relationships are their number one distraction as we are their main source of Narcissistic Supply. So, they will keep themselves busy romancing, seducing, manipulating, triangulating, deceiving, hurting, whoever they can to entertain and distract themselves.

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