Avoid Making These 6 Mistakes Around the Narcissist

#3. Do not make excuses for a narcissist.

The third thing you should not do is make excuses for the narcissist’s bad behavior. Narcissists already don’t take responsibility for their harmful actions. So one of the worst things you can do is start making excuses for them too. Let them face the consequences of what they’ve done.

Narcissists are very calculated in everything they do and say. If you’re making excuses for them, you’re in denial about how manipulative and abusive the narcissist really is.

I know it can be confusing and you may want to try to rationalize their behavior. But it’s important not to deny that you are being abused. Don’t accept the narcissist’s lame excuses for their actions, and don’t get into the habit of making excuses for them either.

Doing this will only embolden the narcissist and make them more shameless in their wrongdoing. Hold them accountable instead of shielding them from the results of their own behavior.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

#4. Do not try to change a narcissist.

The fourth thing you should not do is try to change a Narcissist. This is something the Narcissist would play up on for your own demise. They would gladly put this burden onto you and make you feel as if you can help them. Or they need you to make them happy or show them the way. But it is not your responsibility, and the Narcissist will just take advantage of you in the process.

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