Ask These 7 Questions To a Narcissist & Watch them Squirm

Question number four: “Why is it impossible for you to admit flaws?”

Whenever a narcissist makes a mistake, Instead of acknowledging it and taking responsibility, they blame it on you and thoroughly convince you that the fault is yours, the dogs, or any other object that can receive the projection. They have a thick wall of defensiveness that will not let them admit their flaws. Moreover, talking about their mistakes would mean accepting they are a commoner like you, and there is no differentiator. They can’t have the same humanness you have because that would mean having the same weaknesses.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

Question number five: Do you think you need to change or grow in any way?

Dare to ask a narcissist if they think they need to change, and you will face the wrath of the raging narcissist. They do not think they need to grow and change because the need for them to change implies that they are not perfect and do not have it all together. Asking the question triggers their suppressed shame, and they attack you like a wounded animal. To them, change is death, the death of their false self, egocentrism, and everything in between. As per them, if there is anyone who needs to change, it’s you. You need to be more compliant, you need to speak less, you need to stop questioning, and you need to become a doormat without complaining.

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