Are You an Empath? Here Are 11 Ways to Protect Yourself from Narcissists


 Number 8. Detachment.

You are naturally inclined to be of service and to help others. It could be a one-way street, you could just keep giving and giving, resulting in complete exhaustion on your side, while the person receiving your care and compassion might be unaffected in any way. You might feel they need somebody to guide or assist them, but they might feel they don’t need help.

Instead of giving where your help is not wanted or needed, consider walking away, detaching yourself from the situation. You can still be approachable when people need assistance and care, but be less giving to people who don’t want to be helped.

Number 7. Shielding.

 Visualize a protective shield around you. It works like a one-way protective cloak, still allowing positivity to flow from you to others, but blocking negative energy from reaching you. You can do this whenever you feel that you could use a protective layer to keep toxic energy out. Take a moment, breathe deeply and then visualize a shield of soft, white light around your entire body. Inside this layer, you can feel happy and safe.

An alternative way of doing this is to visualize a sleeping bag around you. Just zip it up and feel that you’re protected from head to toe. You are still able to give off yourself and help others, but their energy cannot get to you, it stays outside of your protective sleeping bag. Choose any colour you like!

Number 6. Mantras or affirmations.

Repeating a protective mantra or affirmation can help you focus your energy on rejuvenating yourself and feeling the strength of these wise words as you being internalized them. Mantras originated in Sanskrit and carry ancient wisdom. Affirmations only started surfacing a few decades ago but are still powerful. An online search will help you find something that is applicable and useful to you. Or just make up your own, according to where you’re at and what you’re needing at the time.

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