The Top 7 Tactics Narcissists Use To Control And Confuse Conversations

The Top 7 Tactics Narcissists Use To Control And Confuse Conversations


Today, we are going to talk about the Top 7 Tactics Narcissists Use To Control And Confuse Conversations.

Trying to reason or have a normal conversation with a narcissist is impossible. You can try. You can fight for your right to speak, but you’ll get nowhere.

If he wants to, he will make you feel like you’re talking to a wall—an emotionless, cold, and distant wall.

 Now, this can happen a lot when talking to narcissists. And it’s because they have tried and tested tactics for controlling and confusing a conversation.

Your words simply won’t get through, no matter how determined and loud you are. Conversations with a narcissist can drive you insane.

You’re going around in circles while talking to a narcissist, and in the end, you, a perfectly healthy person, leave the conversation wondering if there is something wrong with you.

So in today’s article, we’re going to learn what some of the most commonly used tactics are. Let’s get started.

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