5 Mental Illness Caused by Narcissistic Abuse

5 Mental Illness Caused by Narcissistic Abuse


Surviving narcissistic abuse can leave you struggling with a lot of mental health issues. Why? Well, it is one of the leading causes behind the development of some of these severe mental health problems known to us. I’m talking about issues like complex post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, psychosis, ADHD, and somatic disorders. How does it cause all of this?

Well, it takes every bit and ounce of energy and resourcefulness to come out alive from that hell of abuse, and that takes a toll on your body, your brain, and your soul, which is the reason why you feel so exhausted. You can’t recognize yourself anymore, and you ask questions like, “Who am I? What am I supposed to do now?” Your functionality has changed, and that has changed you as a human being.

The topic for today is five severe mental illnesses caused by narcissistic abuse. Stay until the very end because I’m going to help you understand why your mental illnesses make sense. They’re not illnesses per se, but alterations. I’ll also teach you how to reverse them and become whole again.

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