Are You an Empath? Here Are 11 Ways to Protect Yourself from Narcissists

Are You an Empath? Here Are 11 Ways to Protect Yourself from Narcissists


Empaths make up only around one to three percent of the population.  Empaths are highly sensitive to the energy of all kinds, like the energy of other people and of places. They also have a close connection to, an innate understanding of, nature and animals. Because empaths are so sensitive, they need to protect themselves.

Otherwise, they can easily get drained and exhausted. Just walking in a shopping center and being exposed to other people’s emotions can be overwhelming. Empaths feel deeply and absorb the energy of others. So when you as an empath are spending time with someone who is feeling sad or miserable, you will take on those feelings and internalize them.

As an empath, you will always be conflicted between helping others and looking after your own needs. So here are 11 things that you can do to protect yourself. Make sure to read until number 1, because it’s the most important one of all.

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