8 Ways to Make a Narcissist Respect You


 Number 3: Become bullet-proof.

 Now, admittedly, this requires that you have some real healing and recovery under your belt, as it’s much easier to be bullet-proof in the face of a destructive narcissist and all of their antics when you’re not walking around with a ton of unresolved pain and trauma in your field. Do your healing and recovery work so you are stronger, more grounded, clear, and confident, more self-assured.

 In addition, decide what you are and are not available for, and stick to your new standards, period. You set the standard in your life and a big part of this requires that you stop reacting to their nonsense, and of course, this takes practice, and again, having some healing and recovery under your belt. Practice using the gray rock method. It’s a powerful method and it works.

The bottom line is, do whatever you need to do to no longer be an appealing target or a source of narcissistic supply. That’s what I mean by becoming bulletproof. If you do your work, you can get there faster than you think. 

Number 4: Present with a superior image or status.

 Now, before you go taking what I’m about to say out of context, hear me. You don’t have to go through life like this. As an empath, you’re well aware that we all have inherent value and worth, and as such, you aren’t likely struggling with a superiority complex, in fact, the opposite is more likely to be true for you. But when it comes to commanding a narcissist’s respect, being somewhat standoffish, aloof, and genuinely confident can be really, really helpful.

Although this may very well trigger the narcissist’s pathological envy, let’s not forget that the narcissist needs people they perceive to be beneath them to target and project their fear, guilt, shame, contempt, and disdain onto, narcissists also love to be aligned with anyone whom they perceive to have influence or status of some sort. Anything or anyone they feel may enhance their own social status or bring them some recognition, even if only by osmosis, is going to command respect on some level with a narcissist.

And this is precisely why they do so much name-dropping and virtue-signaling at every opportunity. Being aligned with anyone who presents with a superior image or status is something the narcissist enjoys, unless and until their pathological envy is triggered, of course. But don’t kid yourself; this strategy can be very helpful when dealing with a destructive narcissist.

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